FK Kaluđerica je krenula porazom drugi deo polusezone.
Sve ovo ne bi bilo strašno da Kaluđerica nije uzela samo 9 bodova u prvom delu. Uz dovedenih nekoliko pojačanja i dalje su slabi za ‘’ZONU’’. Sutra nas očekuje i utakmica FK Boleč-FK Komgrap takodje u zoni. Boleč je kažnjen sa 12 bodova, tako da se i on nalazi u zoni ispadanja a drugi deo sezone tek kreće. Da li je ovo kraj fudbalu u Grockoj? Ako se uzmu činjenice da opštinska liga ne postoji, da je FK Leštane ugašeno kao srpskoligaš.
Did you know that it is possible to send proposal in a totally legal fashion? We propose a new legal method of sending requests through contact forms.
Messages through Feedback Forms are not likely to end up in spam, since they are deemed as essential.
You’re invited to sample our service at no cost.
Our service will take care of sending up to 50,000 messages for you.
The cost of sending one million messages is $59.
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Please use the contact details below to get in touch with us.
Contact us.
Telegram –
Skype live:feedbackform2019
WhatsApp +375259112693
We only use chat for communication.